Return to Play: Reclaim Your Life
of Freedom, Purpose and Joy!

Return To Play

Do you wake up every day experiencing joy and think: “I love my life”? Or, are you feeling somewhat like I did 8 years ago: overworked, stressed out and completely disconnected from my authentic self ? I was completely overwhelmed with life and experiencing zero joy internally, all while looking perfectly happy and like I had everything together on the outside. Deep inside I knew there had to be something more for me; this couldn’t be IT! Where did I lose myself and how do I get back to ME? I had this nagging feeling like there was something else inside me that was wanting to emerge. I kept asking myself, “What is my purpose here anyway?” and “Where is all the FUN?”. Something had to change; I began my road to transformation. I did the work of emotional purging, developed a deep meditation practice – which made a huge difference – and my life started to make more sense. But it wasn’t until I reconnected to myself through remembering how to play that I began to really experience my life of freedom and joy.

That is what this retreat is all about: Returning to our authentic, joyful selves through deeper self connection and remembering how to PLAY. We all have our own personal MAP to discovering the treasure of a joyous and meaningful life. Through Meditation, self Awareness and Play, you will let go of your old stories and non-functioning beLIEf systems that keep you stuck. Write a new script for your life – one that includes Play.

Each day will focus on connection: first to our heart through meditation, next to our body through physical movement and yoga, then to our minds through self awareness exercises and finally to each other through play. Express yourself authentically as we support each other in our expansion while creating your personal MAP to your most exuberant life.You will have plenty of free time to relax, explore the area and play on your own as you reconnect to that inner part of you who has always known how to just play.

Step away from the daily grind of life and join me in this dynamic, powerful and playful workshop. Build deep and meaningful relationships, first with yourself and then to others, become connected and engaged in your life, play like a child and live life as an adventure. Learn how to create the life of your dreams as you live in your authenticity. All of the answers are already there inside of you, all you need is your MAP to get there! Experience for yourself that transformation can be FUN!

You will walk away from this retreat with a renewed spirit and a sustainable deeper self connection. Take home the tools you need to continue writing your new script for your life using your own personal MAP. Live in joy, connected to and expressing your true authentic self.

In this workshop you will

  • Develop your own personalized Meditation practice.
  • Deepen your self Awareness as you release your limiting beLIEfs.
  • Connect to your body through Playful movement
  • Let go of your old story and begin writing a new script
  • Remember how to Play again as you create your ‘playlist’ of fun.
  • Reconnect to and express your joyful authentic self.
  • Take home all the tools you need to stay living in your joy with your own personal MAP

Life is meant to be fun and playful as we live in our Purpose! Experience the Freedom of letting go of the old beLIEfs that are holding you back. Discover your MAP to Freedom Purpose and Joy!

Charleen Hess is a dynamic speaker and powerful transformation coach. She helps smart, successful, heart centered people who are experiencing overwhelm to reclaim a joyous life by cultivating a deeper self connection and remembering how to play.

She began her own transformation process in her late 30’s after watching her mother die as a martyr, always in service to others, having never lived her own life. This was Charleen’s wake up call, as she realized she was on the very same path. “I was living the perfect life on the outside. I was a loving mother, devoted wife, active church member, and successful business owner. However, on the inside I was totally disconnected from me and had lost touch with who I truly was. I had become a human Doing rather than a human Being”.Charleen spent a decade reading self help books, going to counseling and attending workshops. her biggest shift came after working with a Life Coach specializing in healing core wounds through emotional release Charleen was able to completely heal her past, and create a whole new life.

Charleen’s passion to help others find the same freedom led her to a career as a Life Coach and public speaker. After years of working with clients to reclaim their lives of purpose and joy by creating self awareness through meditation and healing with the emotional release process, she saw that there was still something missing:The transformational power of Play. “As whole beings connected to ourselves, we can’t ignore our innate desire and need to play”. Charleen has put all of the pieces together and created her proprietary method of self discovery and transformation she calls MAP. Through a regular practice of Meditation, self Awareness and Play, you can reconnect to your truest authentic self and create the life you are meant to live. Transformation does not have to be arduous and take decades to arrive. The shift into play starts now.,

Location: Bliss Salon Boutique, 1031 N State Street #106, Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone: 360 483-9101

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